Machine Girl

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ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!! album cover


Machine Girl


Azathoth, a go go
Athoth, tonight
A real best friend, a real best friend

You're the one I've always wanted
Free falling through the time after life
I’m paralyzed cause there's nothing
That can stop my fall
In the void we can hold each other
Till our brains and our guts splatter all over the fucking sidewalk

Azathoth, a go go
Athoth, tonight

Machine Girl image

Get ready to dive into an electrifying sonic experience with Machine Girl's powerful track, "ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!". Released in 2014 as part of their album "The Ugly Art", this high-energy electronic masterpiece leaves no room for hesitation. With frenetic beats and aggressive vocals, Machine Girl takes the listener on an exhilarating journey through the realms of chaos and disorientation.

About ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!

"ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!" is a standout track on Machine Girl's album, showcasing their unique fusion of electronic, punk, and industrial influences. The song's defining characteristics lie in its distorted electronic beats, glitchy samples, and heavy bass that pulsate through your eardrums, igniting an instinctive urge to move. The vocals in this track are heavily processed and distorted, contributing further to the overall sense of chaos and disorientation that defines Machine Girl's signature sound.

As you delve deeper into the lyrics of "ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!", you'll find a mixture of surreal and disjointed imagery, painting a vivid picture of twisted bodies, shattered minds, and fragmented identities. While the meaning of the song is open to interpretation, it invites introspection and contemplation, evoking emotions that resonate on a visceral level.

The title of the song, "ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!", is a clever play on words, drawing inspiration from the Buddhist concept of Anatta. Anatta refers to the idea of non-self or the transient nature of the self, suggesting that our identity arises from a collection of experiences and sensations rather than being a fixed entity. This concept adds an intriguing layer of depth and thought-provoking symbolism to the song, urging listeners to question the notion of their own existence.

With predominantly Japanese lyrics, interspersed with occasional English phrases, "ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!" exudes an international flair. This multilingual aspect allows the song to transcend language barriers, connecting with listeners across cultures and immersing them in the chaotic and hypnotic world that Machine Girl has created.

Machine Girl's "ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!" is a testament to their fearlessly experimental approach to music. It defies easy categorization, occupying a realm of its own where elements of electronic, punk, and industrial music coalesce to form a sonic maelstrom. The rapid-fire vocals and high-energy instrumentation create a sense of urgency and aggression, unleashing a burst of power that electrifies the airwaves.

"ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!" encapsulates the essence of Machine Girl's artistry, pushing boundaries and challenging the established norms of genre and structure. It serves as a reminder that music has the power to defy expectations and break free from the confines of categorization.

So, get ready to lose yourself in the bewildering beauty of "ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!". Let the distorted beats, glitchy samples, and aggressive vocals carry you on a sonic rollercoaster ride that will leave you breathless and craving for more. Allow this bold and experimental piece of music to transport you to a realm where chaos and creativity collide, igniting a fire within you that cannot be easily extinguished.

Experience the enigmatic power of Machine Girl's "ATHOTH A GO!! GO!!!" and get ready to surrender to the sonic revolution.